Yesterday was my first ever LT (Lactate Threshold) test. Because my computrainer is still not functioning through the computer (cord to be delivered the 9th to solve the problem), I did the test while monitoring my heart rate. Here is what the test looked like:
20 minute warm up on the bike
5 minutes all out (avg heart rate 170) This according to the coach was just to "open up the lungs"
10 minutes recovery
20 minutes all out (avg heart rate 168)
20 minutes recovery
Obviously, the 20 minutes all out is the test.....Man, I have done a lot of training etc. but this was pretty tough. Although I do like it better than just riding for two hours on the trainer. It was different because when you are out riding and you peak your heartrate for a while you either shift gears to accommodate or dismount on a steep climb to let your heartrate recover, but with this, you just power through for 20 minutes. My LT number is 160. My coach analyzed my data from this test and told me this number. It is a little troubling to this engineer that I do not know how that was calculated.....yet. On a positive note (I guess) the coach had me estimated at 154 and I moved it up to 160.....good I think....
More to come on this when I know more.....I wonder if there is online classed for this?
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